Constable Authorization Engine 2.0 BETA

IChangeEventPropagator Interface

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Defines a contract that should be implemented by object graphs for propagating change notification events up the owner-like relationship chain of objects

For a list of all members of this type, see IChangeEventPropagator Members.

[Visual Basic]
Public Interface IChangeEventPropagator
public interface IChangeEventPropagator

Types that implement IChangeEventPropagator

Type Description
AuthorizationPolicy Encapsulates a single authorization policy and implements the core authorization functionality to be used from within your application.
FallbackAction [TBD]
FallbackActionRule [TBD]
FallbackPolicy [TBD]
FallbackProperty [TBD]
FallbackPropertyRule [TBD]
FallbackRole [TBD]
FallbackState [TBD]
Action Defines an action that can be executed by the AuthorizationPolicy.
ActionCollection Represents a collection Action objects.
ActionRule Defines the association of an Action with a State and a Role. The association properties represent the result (TargetState) and the visibility (IsVisible) and accessibility (IsEnabled of the associated action.
ActionRuleCollection Represents a collection of the ActionRule objects.
ComPlusRole Provides a role implementation that represents a role in the COM+ catalog.
DynamicRole Provides a role implementation whose membership can be controlled programmatically by setting the IsMemberResult property.
NamedObjectBase This is the common base class for all the classes that form the definition of an authorization model.
NamedObjectCollectionBase Provides a base class for all concrete collection classes for descendants of the NamedObjectBase class.
ObjectBase This is the base class for all classes comprising the AuthorizationPolicy state-based authorization model.
ObjectCollectionBase Represents a collection NamedObjectBase-derived objects.
Property Defines an Property that is part of an AuthorizationPolicy.
PropertyCollection Represents a collection of Property objects.
PropertyRule Defines the association of a property with a state, set of Roles that can access the property and the accessibility flags: IsVisible and IsEnabled.
PropertyRuleCollection Represents a collection of PropertyRule objects.
Role Defines a role that can act on an instance of an AuthorizationPolicy class.
RoleCollection Represents a collection of Role objects.
RuleBase Provides a base class for derived classes representing associations (sometimes called tuples) of a given State, role, state-dependent object and the state-dependent object's attributes.

The provided ActionRule and PropertyRule classes represent built-in rule objects.
RuleCollectionBase Provides a base class for all concrete collection classes containing descendants of the RuleBase class.
State Defines a state in the authorization model.
StateCollection Represents a collection of State objects.
WindowsRole Provides a role implementation that represents a windows security group.


Namespace: LaMarvin.ComponentModel

Assembly: LaMarvin.Common (in LaMarvin.Common.dll)

See Also

IChangeEventPropagator Members | LaMarvin.ComponentModel Namespace