Constable Authorization Engine 2.0 BETA

AuthorizationPolicy.IsRoleMember Method 

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Determines if the given principal is member of the given role.

[Visual Basic]
Overridable Protected Function IsRoleMember( _
   ByVal principal As IPrincipal, _
   ByVal role As Role _
) As Boolean
protected virtual bool IsRoleMember(
   IPrincipal principal,
   Role role


The IPrincipal whose role membership is checked.
The Role to check membership within.

Return Value

true if the principal is member of the role; false otherwise.


The implementation simply invokes the role.IsMember(principal) method.


The following is an example of an overriden IsRoleMember method. The example simply returns false from the method thus making the authorization policy refuse to execute action regardless of the CurrentPrincipal role membership:

[Visual Basic]
Private Class NoOpAuthorizationPolicy
  Inherits AuthorizationPolicy
  Protected Overrides Function IsRoleMember(ByVal principal As IPrincipal, ByVal role As Role) As Boolean
    Return False
  End Function
End Class

private class NoOpAuthorizationPolicy : AuthorizationPolicy
  protected override bool IsRoleMember(IPrincipal principal, Role role)
    return false;

See Also

AuthorizationPolicy Class | LaMarvin.Constable Namespace