Constable Authorization Engine 2.0 BETA

LaMarvin.Constable.Design.Views Namespace

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Contains types supporting implementation of various authorization policy display strategies called policy view adapters (represented by the PolicyViewAdapter class) and policy simulation views (represented by the IPolicySimulationView interface and the PolicySimulationViewAdapter class).

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
DefaultPolicyViewAdapter [TBD]
GroupByActionPolicyViewAdapter [TBD]
GroupByRolePolicyViewAdapter [TBD]
GroupByRoleThenStatePolicyViewAdapter [TBD]
GroupByStatePolicyViewAdapter [TBD]
PolicySimulationViewAdapter [TBD]
PolicyViewAdapter Defines a base class for adapting AuthorizationPolicy instances to provide customized views displayed in the InstanceView control.


Enumeration Description
AuthorizationRuleType [TBD]