Constable Authorization Engine 2.0 BETA

Context Class

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This is a central repository of design-related objects and metadata used by various parts of the LaMarvin design infrastructure.

For a list of all members of this type, see Context Members.


[Visual Basic]
NotInheritable Public Class Context
public sealed class Context

Thread Safety

This type is not safe for multithreaded operations.


The Context class subsumes the following functionality:

The SmallImageList property represents an image list that is shared by all LaMarvin design controls. The images in the list are identified by arbitrary keys. You can add images to the shared list by using the AddSmallImage and GetResourceImage methods. You can remove shared images by calling the RemoveSmallImage method. You can map image keys to indexes in the image list by using the GetSmallImageIndex method.

The Context class maintains a table of TypeInfo objects keyed by the corresponding Type reference. You can register and unregister TypeInfo objects by calling the RegisterTypeInfo and UnregisterTypeInfo methods. You can retrieve registered TypeInfo objects by calling the GetTypeInfo overloaded method. TypeInfo objects are also registered automatically when querying for types decorated by the TypeInfoAttribute attribute.

The GetAvailableTypes and GetAvailableTypeInfos methods represent a flexible mechanism for enumerating and filtering types according to arbitrary criteria.


Namespace: LaMarvin.Design

Assembly: LaMarvin.Design (in LaMarvin.Design.dll)

See Also

Context Members | LaMarvin.Design Namespace